In psycholinguistic tried to discuss about
- Language perception (pemahaman bahasa)
- Language production
- Acquisition
Type of language
- Verbal
- Non verbal
Dimension of psycholinguistic
- Phonology
- Lexicon
- Syntax
- Semantic
- Discourse
- Linguistic description
- Psychology experiment
- Neurolinguistic
The purpose of psycholinguistic
What is psycholinguistic
More explanation about psycholinguistic
- Psycholinguistic is language activities
- an utterance or written depend on context. The meaning will be different in different context
- In complete sentence is not a problem. Ambiguity meaning: It need a context to understand a certain utterance. Ex. Red zone district means danger zone or postulate place / has some meaning depend on the circumstance.
There are two kind of language acquisition theory:
Cognitism : In this theory explain that a child / human has LAD (Language Acquisition Device). The device will produce a language.
It his theory assume that if a child / learner make a mistake because of they are not
creative in produce language / lack of language perception. If the leaner has stimulus firs in their mind. They will be easily understand utterance.
Behaviorism : A child / human will acquire language because of they has environment who speak a certain language. The child will imitate what other speaks and finally the child will acquire the language. Therefore based on the theory it need a lot of people around the kind to help the child acquire faster and much.
In behaviorism also called: Tabularasa or plain paper (kertas kosong) a child like plain paper. They will acquire the language depend on how their parent or environment write it.
Relation language and human thought
Language is a part of human life because each aspect of human involved language there are some opinion the relation between human and language. Sapir Whorf stated language create human thought, language’s human determine human thought, human can’t live without language and human live under language (language first -> human thought). Other theory language become part of human live to survive (Piaget) (thought -> survive -> language).
There are no relation between language and thought, human have their self language, language just culture expression us a part of society (Chomsky).