Jenis Karya Sastra Fiksi dan Non Fiksi

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Karya sastra merupaan produk sastra yang berwujud dan dapat dinikmati baik dilihat maupun dibaca oleh audience atau pembaca. Karya juga dikenal dengan (literature), sedangkan proses atau pembelajaran sastra disebut (literary study). Karya sastra dibagi menjadi dua yaitu karya sastra fiksi (imaginatif) dan non fiksi (non – imaginatif). Sastra fiksi adalah fiction literature of power antara lain: puisi, drama, dan prosa. Sastra non-fiksi adalah non-fiction literature of knowledge antara lain: Memoar, biografi, autobiografi, esai, dan kritik.

Karya sastra fiksi

1. Puisi 

Poetry (puisi) is form of literary art which uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke meanings. Jenis- jenis puisi antara lain:

a. Poems : a piece of writing partakes of both speech and song, usually rhythmical – metaphorical

b. Ballads : poem that tell a story

c. Epic : narrative poem containing details of heroic deeds and even significant to a culture / national

2. Prosa

Prosa adalah form of written language that is not organised according to formal patterns/ verse. Jenis jenis prosa.

a. Novel: a long prose narrative that describes fictional characters and events in the form of a sequential story. Novel memiliki beberpa klimak dan memiliki satu klimak utama. Menceritkan tentang tokoh lebih mendetail dari pada short story.

b. Short story: a brief work of literature, usually written in narrative prose. Short story biasanya hanya memiliki satu klimak.

c. Novella: a written fictional prose, narrative, longer than a short story but shorter than a novel

    3. Drama

    Drama work of literature which delineates life and human activities, by means of presenting various action and dialogues between a group of characters (designed to be acted on stage). More than the presentation of life and character through action and dialogue, but also entertainment. Jenis – Jenis drama yaitu tragedi, komedi, dan melodrama.
    a. Tragedi: a play that end unhappy (failure) dengan ciri antara lain:
    • Climax is unhappy
    • Necessarily dark
    • The hero is defeated by forces outside his control
    • Pessimism
    b. Komedi: a play about happiness, joy and success dengan ciri antara lain:
    • Events which inevitably find some sort of pleasing / happy resolution
    • Essentially light
    • The hero usually entertaining, humorous and successful
    • Cheerful optimism
    c. Melodrama: a play which is similar to tragedy with reversal and suffering but has a happy ending.

    Karya sastra non- fiksi

    Karya sastra non-fiksi ditulis berdasarkan kisah nyata dari seseorang atau tokoh yang ada didalamnya. Bisapula berupa pengalaman pribadi yang dituliskan. Berikut ini jenis – jenis karya sastra non – imaginatif.

    1. Essay

    Esai adalah a brief work of literature about an idea based on the author’s point of view (POV)

    2. Critic

    Kritik adalah scoring to literary work

    • Critic : a person who expresses opinion about a good or bad something (literary work)
    • Criticism : (act) the act of expressing disapproval of something and opinion their fault.
    • Critique : (result) a piece or written expression as the result of criticism

    3. Biography

    Biografi adalah story about someone, usually written by other people

    4. Autobiography

    Autobiografi adalah biografy yang ditulis sendiri, bisa ditulis orang lain tetapi atas sepengatahuan yang bersangkutan

    5. Memoar

    Memoar adalah otobiografi yang ditulis oleh tokoh sendiri, cerita hanya pada masa tertentu

    6. Catatan harian

    Catatan harian ditulis secara spontan dan jujur, menghasilkan ungkapan ungkan asli dan jernih

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