Definition, Kinds, and Instrinsic Element of Poetry

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Poetry is a form of literary work that has art of language which contain aesthetic meaning. It commonly written, read and listened. Kind language in poetry more intensely than ordinary language. A poetry might be different interpretation of each reader about writer means. To make a perception of a poetry, the reader must be understand some imagery of poetry. It can earn or seen of quality and usually of a word use in poetry a word commonly meaning so a reader must be understand and know the word.

Kinds of Poetry

There are three kinds of poetry as follows:
  1. Poems: a piece of writing partakes of both speech and song, usually rhythmical – metaphorical
  2. Ballads: poem that tell a story
  3. Epic: narrative poem containing details of heroic deeds and even significant to a culture national.

Intrinsic element

Different from other literary work, Poetry has a number of instrisic elements
  • Theme : tema
  • Figurative : gaya bahasa
  • Imagery : imajinasi
  • Rhyme : sajak
  • Rhythm : irama
  • Metter : stress and unstressed
  • Message : amanat

Denotation and contation of poetry

  • Denotation is dictionary meaning or meaning of word where are a word have a single meaning. Denotation word can stand alone to be understand. It is a word has a suggest beyond express, it has some meaning of one word. Example: “home” has meaning : love, security, comfort, family, etc
  • Connotation is word can’t stand alone. It must has context to understand. Connotation to make sentences effectively, but we must think or define twice and couldn’t understand directly.

Imagery of poetry

Imagery is sense of language experience, as a representation of some meaning, so the reader can be imagine of the poetry base on the writer mean. Jadi Imajinasi memiiki tujuan untuk mempengaruhi emosi pembaca.

Kind of imagery

  • Visual imagery. Example: Blue sky, Sunset
  • Auditory imagery. Example: Sound of nature like wind, tress, water
  • Smell imagery. Example: fragrant,
  • Taste imagery. Example: sugar (sweet)
  • Touch imagery. Example: soft, coarse
  • Organic imagery. Example: internal sensation like hunger, thirst, fear

Figurative Language

The reason are a number of useage figurative language in poetry: Effectiveness of language, afford imaginative pleasure, bringing additional imagery of speech into verse, more sensuous, adding emotional intensity of speech to other wise merely information and conveying attitudes, and a way to saying much in brief compass
  • Metaphor: merupakan perumpamaan langsung terhadap suatu benda. Ex: He is sun
  • Simily: perumpamaan tidak langsung. Ex: she likes a beautiful moon
  • Personification: giving atributes of human being to an animal, object or an idea. Ex: rumput yang bergoyang
  • Synecdoche: use of part for whole
  • Metonymy: use of something related for the thing actually

Reading poem

Pembaca puisi harus menjiwai puisi bukan puisi yang menyesuaikan karakter pembaca, read more than once time, read to know mean of poem.

Good poetry

There consist 3 requirement of good poetry
  1. Central purpose
  2. How the purpose of the poetry (bagaimana tujuan dari puisi tersebut)
  3. The important of the purpose
Dapat disimpulkan puisi yang baik dapat di indikasikan dari tiga hal yaitu 1) pembaca merasakan apa yang disampaikan oleh peotry, misal sedih, senang, sehingga merasakan emosi dan hanyut dalam puisi. 2) Pembaca mendapatkan isi dari puisi tersebut. 3) Bagimana cara pembaca ikut dalam tujuan penulis/ apa yang ditulis/ secara instrinsik memenuhi kriteria.

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